Friday, August 7, 2009


I have been discovering so many interesting, educational, and exciting things lately. For one Into the West, which I had already seen when it was on TV, but have re-watched, and it's is worth watching over and over. Please check it out. It's a great way to learn some of our and the Native American's history, and it's a great teaching tool for children as well, once it's age appropriate.

That led me to find this incredible site as well, regarding current Native American issues. And after feeling extremely depressed, as one should be after watching and realizing what our culture did to the Native Americans, and the earth, and is still doing today, I found this wonderful group of people trying to make a difference, and a great article on them here. And this incredible Native American grandmother making a difference in her own way as well. Hope it brings some hope to everyone and inspires us all to try and make a difference for our earth and it's inhabitants.
This full moon last Wednesday made me feel a little bit better and gave me a little hope as well. Happy Weekend!

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